Information Technology Services will both save money and increase efficiency with a new spam filter.
Michael Barker, assistant vice chancellor for infrastructure and operations and chief technology officer of ITS, said the new system, to be launched Friday, will catch 5 to 6 percent more spam and misidentify fewer legitimate e-mails as spam than the previous system.
“It’s better at identifying genuine spam and better at not misidentifying real messages,” he said.
He also said the new system could save UNC between $130,000 and $210,000 over a three-year span.
“This is a good example of the cost-saving efforts we are undertaking in all our operations as we are conscious in these economic times,” he said.
Efforts to find a more efficient spam and anti-virus scanning system for University-provided e-mail were headed by Tim McGuire, manager of ITS messaging services.
The old scanning system was up for renewal and ITS officials decided to go with this new solution due to the lower licensing costs it offered.
After purchasing the product from Cisco Systems Inc., McGuire and his group tested it to determine its effectiveness.
“We tested it for nine months and that’s what showed that it was a bit more accurate in identifying general spam,” McGuire said. “It didn’t identify general e-mail as spam, and it could pass more e-mail in a smaller period of time.”