I was disappointed to read “Hogan’s broken promise” in Thursday’s paper. While the editorial board was correct in that during his campaign, Medlin promised to not accept the stipend, the article failed to present any reason for Medlin changing his mind. Medlin’s role as student body president is a full-time job on top of school.
Thus far, Medlin has continued to make decisions that are in the best interest of the University. He has dedicated his senior year to serving UNC. The editorial board does not know Medlin’s financial situation and as a result, the article seemed overly critical. If Medlin needs to accept the stipend in order to be able to better dedicate his time to serving as SBP, I would hope all students would understand his decision. The editorial board was quick to offer a strong opinion without providing any reason for Medlin’s decision.
Liz Deane
Senior Class President