Now that the Town of Chapel Hill has decided to create a committee for hearing concerns, it needs to figure out what that will look like.
UNC already has a model.
The Town Council will work with Wayne Blair, who created the University’s ombuds program.
The program will be a resource for residents or members of organizations to consult for solving conflicts and addressing work-related problems. It will provide information and mediation for issues like unfair job treatment or a conflict with a coworker.
While details still need to be set, town spokeswoman Catherine Lazorko said Chapel Hill Town Council members are supportive and approved the program at their Jan. 24 meeting.
“The council committee wanted to learn more from the UNC ombuds and model the town’s program after it,” Lazorko said. “It’s a great way to get the town’s program started, by using a well-established and functioning program as a basis.”
The University’s program opened in May 2005, and its creation was the number one recommendation by the Chancellor’s Task Force for a Better Workplace.
Blair said the office was the best solution for what could be done to service UNC employees.
“Because of the confidential and neutral nature of the office, there are issues that people prefer to bring to us, so they can voice their concerns off the record and avoid the formalities of the University.”