As I stood in the crowd at the Florida State basketball game this past Sunday, I was disheartened and disappointed to hear my peers begin a raucous cheer of “Drew Who.”
Now I love Carolina basketball as much as you, and I certainly bleed Carolina Blue. I too am surprised, saddened and disappointed by Larry Drew’s departure from UNC, and I am not here to argue with anyone on whether his decision was right or wrong. However, it was extremely rude and tasteless of our student section to begin shouting this cheer.
Coach Roy Williams, the team and the entire basketball program have all stated that they have been shocked, hurt and even angry about the news of Drew’s departure, and it was disrespectful and insensitive to yell this cheer to a team that is coping with the events of the past week. As Carolina students, we should personify the values of this great University, and we are much better than such degrading cheers. So fellow students, I implore you to please, keep it classy. Go Heels!
Sarah Broadwell