I was disheartened to pick up the DTH today and find my sexuality (once again) up for debate.
While I appreciate those who wrote in support of LGBT people, I am disappointed with your paper for engaging this issue. Being gay should no longer be a matter for public debate; it is simply a fact of many people’s lives.
We no longer debate whether one race is morally superior, and for good reason. We realized that it was never about what the Bible did or didn’t say, it was systematic inequality. People quoted the Bible then too, and that had as little to do with Christianity then as debates on homosexuality do now. It is bigotry, pure and simple, and should be recognized as such.
When the DTH, and any other media outlet, publishes debates about whether or not homosexuality is sinful, it is offensive to all of us for whom it is a part of our being. I would ask that, instead of treating LGBT people’s sexuality as public fodder, the DTH treat us as full humans and publish substantive stories about our community.
Kate McFarland
Graduate Student