Regardless of the outcome of the student government elections, one thing is certain: UNC has a serious case of the whinies, and it’s kind of embarrassing.
First it was Rick Ingram whining about Ian Lee, and then Lee got the spirit and whined about Ingram. Mary Cooper did not want to be the odd person out, so she threw in her whiny voice. Then Ingram fired back with a big, long whine about how everyone was whining about him. And if Brooklyn Stephens knew what all the hoopla was about, she probably would have whined, too.
As if all that was not enough, on Monday our Student Congress speaker resigned so that she could legally whine to the Student Supreme Court about how the Board of Elections needs to whine more.
This is getting a little ridiculous. I am sure whoever is elected will do a fine job. There are definitely more important things to occupy our minds, like how we are going to beat Duke tonight. Quit yo’ whining and be happy; we’re lucky enough to be at the greatest University in the world. Go Heels!
Scott Hiers
Political Science