While the election is essentially done at this point, I feel like throwing my two cents into this discussion.
I have witnessed an extremely childish display from college students who were supposed to professionally campaign for a major position here at the University.
I hesitate to single out Rick Ingram, but he’s given me no other choice. While I understand his being upset that an opponent may have been unethical in his campaign, the proper reaction is not to go on a public rampage and turn a simple election into a full-on smear campaign. Even after a run-off election between Lee and Cooper was announced, he continued to make a public display of his resentment.
Lee sent an e-mail to students, including Ingram’s supporters, asking students to vote. Of course, he included a link to his platform (as did Cooper) because he, unlike Ingram, was still in the running! Ingram’s reaction, visible on Facebook and Twitter, was unnecessary.
Rather than truly endorsing Cooper, as he claimed, he once again went after Lee. I for one am growing tired of this excessive drama. I hope that Ingram will let the matter rest.
Krysta Workman