It is time all students get on up, get into it and get involved by overthrowing student government. Clearly this campaign season is a mockery of any democratic voting process. Student government’s paternalistic and elitist attitude toward the University community is unacceptable. No longer shall we stand by the wayside while they demand rooms in the Union, ride around on horses that defecate in the Pit (UNC Housekeeping loved that), choke our freedom of choice down to a set of pre-screened options and fail epically at achieving a civil representative government. As BOE does not take its own bylaws seriously and frivolous lawsuits are filed (misogyny is not frivolous by any means, don’t get misconstrued) only to steal an election, it is time for the students of UNC to end this mess and take our university back. Oh, and go to hell Dook!
Will Warren