v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
All those in favor of Brooklyn, say aye! All opposed … say neigh?
Wanted: Fellowship of nine to take back Larry Drew’s championship ring and cast it into the fires of Mordor.
To the baseball player in front of me in class that got a D on your paper: guess they took away y’alls tutors as well.
Hey yo DTH, How about a visual aid for Thursday’s vagina column?
Dear Fratmaster, We appreciate your efforts at creativity, but cowboy boots do not go with
backwards baseball hats. Ever.
It hurts, but let’s be real. Nothing could have prepared our freshmen for the shockwave of blinding ugliness at Duke. At least next month they’ll have us sexy fans to counteract the horror.
To my ex-girlfriend who did not get me anything for Christmas: Go to Student Health and find out what I really “gave” you. XOXO.
Dear Deanna Santoro, While I like to believe your resignation was driven by a sense of justice, I have a sinking feeling this instance will only serve as a nice story for your law school personal statement.