This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is considering a bill that amounts to the broadest and most dangerous assault on the air we breathe and the water we drink in recent history.
This “Continuing Resolution” would abandon America’s core environmental and public health programs by attacking the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act and severely diminishing funding for public lands. Specifically, the bill would block the Environmental Protection Agency from cleaning up carbon dioxide pollution from coal-fired power plants in North Carolina and nationwide. In addition, budget cuts to the EPA would threaten the Neuse River and the streams that feed the drinking water supplies of 4,719,825 North Carolinians, as well as the Campbell Creek Watershed Project.
To ensure that the health and environment of North Carolina’s families are protected, North Carolina’s members of Congress should reject the Continuing Resolution, and instead stand up for cleaner air, cleaner water and preserving our environment.
Parris Smallwood
Environmental Studies