We’re all suffering financially. We’re denying current students the chance at what might be their dream degree, and depriving many applicants of the chance to don Carolina Blue. Why? “We just don’t have the money.” But money isn’t the real problem; priorities are.
I’m a student fortunate enough to work at the UNC Phonathon, calling alumni to ask for donations for academic departments and student organizations. I’m privileged enough to talk to so many wonderful Carolina graduates who are happy to give what they can, from the successful corporate giant to the little old lady with only a little to spare. All of them make me proud to be a Tar Heel. However, there are far too many who say, “I’m broke, times are tough” though I can clearly see the $1,000 donation they made to The Rams Club last month.
I love Carolina sports as much as the next Tar Heel, but when future careers are at stake, should they really be the priority? I’m aware that the funds used for athletics, including the football stadium addition, were designated specifically for that use. But why is our School of Nursing being forced to deny students admission and change their admissions process when there are plenty willing and able to support Carolina financially?
What kind of message are we sending about UNC as we constantly cut academics and deny worthy students admission, but have a shiny new addition to our football stadium?
Gina Johnson