I was extremely annoyed after reading a letter to the editor on Feb. 16 titled “Gendered language could be comparable to racism.” I can appreciate the sentiment behind it, but I believe this letter brought up an important issue of the continued lack of common sense on this campus. I’m all for gender equality as much as the next gal, but these complaints from so called “feminists” are getting a little ridiculous. Real feminists, the ones fighting for our rights in the workplace, government and other areas, would be ashamed to see this going on.
As a woman, I’m annoyed with the implication that I can’t be successful unless my friends stop greeting me with a “hey dude” and I stop getting manicures because the word implies it’s only okay for men to have nice looking hands. I’m embarrassed by these “feminists” that choose to victimize themselves over petty things in order to find an excuse as to why they’re not successful. In fact, comparing greetings to racist comments is borderline desperate. I actually feel bad that they fail to see that it’s their senseless complaining, not the language, that makes others lose respect for them.
There’s been way too much complaining lately. We’re all smart and competent, so let’s skip the bandwagon. In this case, it’s better to be the “odd man out.” Oh, wait…
Frances Carrera
Business Administration