- A white male suspect touched a white female on her rear end between 1:15 p.m. and 1:25 p.m. Wednesday at 128 E. Franklin St., according to Chapel Hill police reports.
- Someone knocked a mailbox off its post between 11 p.m. Tuesday and 8:41 a.m. Wednesday at 2133 N. Lakeshore Drive, according to Chapel Hill police reports.
- Someone was found unresponsive in a hotel room at 8:47 a.m. Wednesday at 1001 S. Hamilton Road, according to Chapel Hill police reports.
- Someone concealed a firearm in his or her vehicle between 11:55 p.m. Tuesday and 12:14 a.m. Wednesday at the intersection of N.C. 54 and Merritt Mill Road, according to Chapel Hill police reports.
- Someone attempted to kick in a door between 10:45 a.m. Tuesday and 6:57 p.m. Wednesday at 115 Sonoma Way, according to Chapel Hill police reports.
Damage to the property was valued at $100, reports state.
- Someone stole a wallet between 12:50 p.m. and 2:05 p.m. Wednesday at the Southern Village Park and Ride Lot, according to Chapel Hill police reports.