I am one of the students who participated in the march on the board of governors. I have crafted this response in order to express my regret with the portrayal of the participating students in your Quick Hits section on Feb. 17.
The author disparaged us for being late and then made the illogical conclusion that somehow because we were late, we were not the best products of a costly education. I would just like to state what is quite obvious — the author of this section did not follow the story closely, if at all. If he had he would have known that we met with who we sought to meet with, namely Hannah Gage and Tom Ross.
We also brought up substantive issues of merit with them, issues such as the rising cost of education, costs that are forcing some students to leave school. No student should have to go through this and I wonder if the author would still have the temerity to make these comments had he understood the real ways in which these cuts and hikes affect students.
I would like to close by saying that this is not a call to stop these comments from being made on The Daily Tar Heel; quite the contrary, I am a proponent of free speech, but I think The Daily Tar Heel would find that it is in its best interests, for the sake of reliability, to make sure its editors are as informed as possible.
Jonathan Nicholas
African-American Studies