On behalf of the Congressional Research Service, I would like to thank Deanna Santoro for her service as speaker of the 92nd session of the UNC Student Congress. Deanna truly embodies honor and integrity — two principles that are at the core of our Student Code.
In August 2010, Deanna created the UNC Congressional Research Service to analyze the communication, policy and outreach efforts of our Student Congress. Our team will continue to serve the student body with the greatly appreciated support of Deanna and our 92nd session of Congress.
Please let Deanna’s resignation as speaker serve as an opportunity for all students and members of student government to reflect on our commitments to the Student Code. No matter the outcomes of the Feb. 8 elections, let us set aside cynicism and uphold the “light” and “liberty” our University represents. We are all Tar Heels, and we are all Carolina.
Tia Davis
Director of Public Relations
UNC Congressional Research Service