I was pleased that the DTH brought the issue of the Orange County landfill to light. Few people are aware of the issue and even fewer are concerned. The article did a good job of explaining what Orange County is doing to solve our waste issues. However, there is no mention of what we can do to help solve this issue. As important as it is to make people aware of the problem, it is also important to inform them of the things they can do to help achieve a solution and encourage them to be supportive rather than critical.
By remembering to either re-use or recycle, citizens of Orange County can help extend the life expectancy of the landfill because it allows more space for actual waste and ensures that proper items get recycled.
UNC’s campus waste is taken to Durham, so even though people on campus do not affect the Orange County landfill, the waste from students who live off campus goes into the Orange County landfill. Instead of criticizing Orange County for not creating better solutions, people should do their part to minimize their impact on the landfill.
Megan Gyoerkoe
Student Government
Environmental Affairs Committee