I don’t think I’m alone when I say that it’s time we address the real issues on our campus, and frankly our world. It’s 2011 — President Barack Obama is calling for scientific innovation, Chancellor Holden Thorp has 19 patents, the Star Heelz scored almost half a century of points and yet still, cats can’t talk.
I know what you’re thinking, “Why does this matter to me?” But we saw the liberation of Egypt. When do we open our minds and expand our borders beyond the simplistic view of a universe where only humans have their voices heard? ET phoned home. Why can’t our cats?
You might be wondering what exactly our cats need to say. But instead, what might you need to hear? What would we have done differently as a nation if our cats had a say in our most troubling decisions? Our leaders have colonized under the guise of globalization and dropped bombs in the name of freedom to the demise of our current national identity, but I wonder if we could have done this whilst napping for 21 hours a day and contemplating how to spend our nine lives.
Today we have the opportunity to speak for cats, but tomorrow our cats might speak for us. Friends, the time is, “Meow.”
Jacob Sharp