Eight voicemails.
Eighty-four text messages.
More than 300 e-mails, including one from Chancellor Holden Thorp.
The congratulations have flowed in to Mary Cooper. But after the initial shock of winning the student body presidency over Ian Lee with a sweeping 62 percent of the vote, Cooper said she isn’t waiting until her April 5 inauguration to get started.
As her first week as student body president-elect, Cooper said she has shadowed Student Body President Hogan Medlin at some of his smaller committee meetings. Meanwhile, she is moving forward with the four main planks of her platform: safety, arts and environment, tuition and an outreach program called “Triage” to help students converse with student government.
In meetings with Cooper, Medlin has given her many pieces of advice, including taking time to thank her team, choosing an effective executive board rich with members who challenge her thoughts and represent the student body — and to just be herself.
“Mary’s main strategy to leading effectively will be in placing emphasis on relationships with everyone,” Medlin said. “Her main power will lie in her ability to influence, to speak, and to persuade others to see things from her point of view.”
“We wrote Mary’s platform to have measurable change,” said Walt Peters, Cooper’s task master and logistical coordinator.
Specifics of the platform include projects such as a flat-rate taxi service, incorporating first-aid modules into Lifetime Fitness classes, expanding CCI printing to northern locations on campus and developing a Student Enrichment Fund.