Our son, a UNC student, was assaulted in Chapel Hill in the early morning of Feb. 27. As he walked alone from Vance two blocks to South Columbia he was randomly targeted, beaten and left unconscious in the middle of Pittsboro Street with his jaw broken in two spots. A good samaritan found him and helped him back to the house. He underwent surgery at UNC Hospitals, and thank God he will recover. To the unknown lady who rescued our son: You might have saved his life, and no words can convey our gratitude. To the doctors and nurses who repaired our son: You are the best at what you do. To Chancellor Holden Thorp: Your biggest problem isn’t the budget, it’s the gangs roving campus streets. To the residents and students of Chapel Hill: Hide your kids and hide your wife and don’t go out alone at night.
Kathy and Booth Kalmbach
Raleigh Residents