At the last meeting of the current Student Congress’ finance committee, Dakota Williams took his last chance as student body treasurer to make a portion of the Student Code easier to read.
Williams presented the committee a bill to revise Title V of the Student Code on Tuesday. The committee voted to pass the bill to the rules and judiciary committee, which will meet later this week.
Williams said the title is difficult for many student organizations to understand because of its length and lack of transparency.
Title V establishes how student organizations apply for funding from Student Congress as well as the stipends given to student government officers. At 25 pages, it makes up almost a sixth of the length of the Student Code.
“I hate how many groups I’ve seen fail to get funding because they missed an important detail or deadline,” he said.
Williams’ revision seeks to clean up and reorganize the information, making the rules easier to read, he said. The bill will also cut the length of Title V roughly in half, resulting in a 10-page document.
Williams said he hopes a cleaner section will lead to more applications for funds.
“Really anyone can pick it up, understand it and read it,” he said.
One of the biggest revisions made by Williams involves a change to the annual budget. Instead of having a single appropriation distribution period for student organizations, the bill calls for separate periods for the fall and spring semesters.