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Google VP, UNC alum speaks on innovation at Kenan-Flagler

As a young business student at UNC, Brent Callinicos said he relied on his classmates with experience for help.

Years later, after stints at Procter & Gamble, Walt Disney Records and Microsoft, he landed at Google.

And his willingness to reach out to his peers was rewarded.

Now vice president and treasurer of the leading search engine, Callinicos returned to the Kenan-Flagler Business School on Wednesday to discuss his — and Google’s — collaborative business style.

Callinicos’ lecture, “An Innovation Culture,” was the last in this year’s Dean Speaker Series at UNC. Before a crowd of students, professors and community members, he shared the innovative vision of Google and how it comes together.

He said Google tries to share ideas openly with everyone in the company and believes that a good idea can come from anywhere.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s someone first day on the job if their idea is the best one,” he said.

Describing the company as one that “makes big bets,” Callinicos also addressed his transition from Microsoft to Google, where the scope of his management responsibilities was smaller — at first.

“I left Microsoft in charge of 700 employees, and when I got to Google I was in charge of seven.”

Callinicos said he was also surprised to see that Google’s treasury did not focus on foreign exchange, corporate finance or financial risk management.

But he was ready to make changes.

After his efforts, the foreign exchange treasury focus area has grown into a $50 billion program.

Callinicos also discussed Google’s efforts to give back to society, which include investments in low-income housing and green initiatives.

“Making money and doing good are not mutually exclusive,” he said.

Jeff Terry, executive director of alumni affairs at the business school, said the selection of Callinicos, who delivered the speech for free, varied from the typical choice of CEOs.

“A student committee meets to peg the top CEOs of companies to invite them to speak in the series. Brent is not a CEO, but he is the equivalent of a CFO at Google,” he said.

“It’s a bonus that he is an alum, but he was chosen primarily because of his high-ranking position.”

Business student Shannon Weber said she has a better understanding of idea sharing and Google’s business model after attending the lecture.

“He did a good job of displaying Google culture and innovation,” Weber said.

Callinicos stressed the importance of that innovation in the Google business.

“You have to raise the bar in every area in every year. You can’t rest on your laurels,” he said.

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