In the midst of the current debate surrounding the proposed Snoop Dog concert, let us remember that this is a liberal arts campus known for its commitment to public service and equal access to education and ideas. Yet now there are those who want to silence his voice and the potential for educational, spirited debate that would and should occur because they take offense to some of his lyrics.
I don’t agree with the implications of everything he raps about taken at literal face value either, but I could say the same for several other performers that have come to this campus in the past.
The University is attempting to differentiate this concert because it is tied to a promotional campaign. I find this odd given how we allow individuals to come and speak or perform in promotion of their works and often have a financial stake in the outcome. Either way, EA Sports has offered to remove all promotional materials from the concert and hold a post-concert promotional event at an off-campus bar instead. EA Sports is doing its share to make this concert happen. The University should at least meet them halfway.
Victor Calderon
Political Science and PWAD