The Carrboro Board of Aldermen approved a decision Tuesday night to move up discussion of a proposal that could bring a new library to Hillsborough Road.
Mayor Mark Chilton said the land use ordinance, which drew public criticism at the board’s March 22 meeting, will be addressed next week rather than the original April 19 date because the board was misinformed by county staff of the land purchase deadline.
“It turns out waiting until April 19 would cost the residents of Orange County about $10,000 in county tax dollars,” he said.
If adopted, the proposal could bring a public library to the southwestern part of the county.
The board also discussed transportation priorities, a proposal for a humans’ rights commission and renewing the town’s support of for the Taste of Hope water assistance program.
Jeff Brubaker, the town’s transportation planner, informed the board of upcoming deadlines to submit priorities for the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, developed every two years by the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Brubaker said Carrboro can submit three new highway projects, six new or existing pedestrian projects and six bicycle projects to the Metropolitan Planning Organization, which covers Durham, Chapel Hill and Carrboro.
Alderman Jacquie Gist expressed concern about whether the town’s projects, which must be submitted by May 16, will actually be considered at the state level.
“We’re going through this process, but is there going to be money to do anything?” she said. “I’m seeing a lot of important projects delayed already.”