As a student comedian who performed at “Cody Hughes’ Stand-Up Spectacular,” I can say firsthand there is nothing more awkward than someone who doesn’t understand satire and comedy. While Jordan Preuss (“Stand-up performance shows bigotry on campus,” Apr. 13) may have been “appalled,” most of the females in the audience and the one who performed understood comedy and had a great time.
I don’t understand how these humorless bastions of self-righteousness stumble into a comedy show and are offended when they hear jokes. The entire point of jokes and satire is to mock the same kinds of hurtful viewpoints that Preuss accuses us of holding.
I’m particularly surprised that Preuss took offense at the joke referenced in the letter. If one’s vagina is similar enough to scalding-hot coffee to be personally offended, my thoughts and condolences go out to them and their sexual partners.
Just to be clear, that last paragraph was a joke. I’m merely mocking the small mindedness required to take everything a comedian says as fact and then accuse them of “bigotry” in the DTH. I’d just like to get back to making people laugh without being accused of “making at least one anti-woman joke” by someone who doesn’t understand satire.
P.S. Comedians up, Hoes down. (Joke)
Ben Long
Journalism and Communications