As Congress grapples with our national budget and the global economy continues its downward spiral, we at UNC must also come to terms with the ways in which we’ve allowed ourselves to be caught up in this world of rubber-necking, logrolling and empire building.
The solution I propose is simple. The next time you’re in Student Stores, expose the greatest threat that this institution of learning has ever faced. Walk up to the register, whip out your credit card, and purchase a single Scantron. With one swipe, you’ll put yourself more in debt than you already are, cost UNC more in processing fees than it makes in profit, contribute to the coffers of a corporation that’ll probably ask for bailout funds a few years down the road and perpetuate a perverse and subversive system in which students pay to be lined up and academically slaughtered, one arbitrary answer at a time.
We students may be divided on some issues, but thriftiness and fighting the system are two things that any self-respecting Tar Heel can rally behind!
Justin Loiseau
Environmental Studies and Economics