I disagree completely with the editorial on Tuesday, “The privilege to play,” where the author argues that home-schooled children should be allowed to participate in public school athletic programs.
I have nothing against the decision to home-school a child, and I agree that they should have access to athletics, only not in the public school setting. From the perspective of someone who was an athlete in the public school system, I believe that this proposal is unfair.
Home-schooling is like a free A, grade inflation at its most obvious, which is simply unfair to the children in public school who have specific academic requirements and attendance responsibilities that make them eligible to play. In some cases, if this proposal was passed, home-school would not be a place for education, but instead an athlete factory for pushy parents.
Participation in high school athletics requires a time commitment for the public school athlete to school, practice, and homework that much exceeds what would be put in by the home-schooler. Thus participation by home-schooled children in public school athletics is unfair to those children who attend public school.
Besides, home-schoolers have access to athletics: the public school for which their parents pay. It is their choice whether or not to utilize it.
Nathan Levy