v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
To the girl who started crying on her way out of the
advising building: Walking through a campus tour group may not have been the best advertisement for UNC.
To all the State kids who complained to your newspaper about the comical flyer we posted all over your campus Sunday night: Quit your whining and do what any self-respecting student would do — try to prank us back.
There are some things in the world that you are better off not knowing. Your suitemate having sex in your bed with a girl from ECU while you were away for the weekend is one of those things.
The Order of the Golden Fleece? No thanks, I’d rather be in the Order of the Phoenix. Sincerely, Sleazy for Weasley.
Does UCLA even recruit anymore or do they just rely on UNC’s sloppy seconds?
To the Davis security guards I found snooping through my “College To-Do List”: Don’t judge me, I’m number 273,615 on the waiting list and my petite lap giraffe is going to be adorable.
Announcing to the entire room that your ex is two seats behind you and then having a conversation about it in Chinese is not the best way to handle an awkward situation.