Cutting regulations? Fascist. Vouchers for private schools? Fascist.
So much of the modern day conservative agenda is characterized as fascist, the term has lost almost all meaning (after all, Mussolini wasn’t exactly big on charter schools).
In response, Jonah Goldberg wrote the book “Liberal Fascism” to counter these claims and to contextualize the rise of fascism in the 20th century and show how it was inextricably intertwined with the Progressive Movement.
Basically, if anyone is to be called fascist, it’s the group we call “liberals” today.
Goldberg will be coming to campus to speak on this and more Wednesday, April 13, in Carroll 111 at 7 p.m.
He’ll touch on why Obama’s agenda fits comfortably in the Progressive ethos and why the main thrust of so-called Progressive policies will have terrible consequences for the nation at large. Hope to see you there!
Anthony Dent
Carolina Review