More than 25,000 women and men from across North Carolina turn to Planned Parenthood each year for vital medical and education services. In 2010, Planned Parenthood health centers in our state provided thousands of residents with preventative care, including 18,015 STI tests, 11,427 life-saving breast and cervical cancer screenings, and 61,373 reversible contraceptives.
More than 70 percent of the women and men served by Planned Parenthood in N.C. lack health insurance to pay for their care, and many patients are college students.
Because Planned Parenthood is many low-income individuals’ only access point to health care, defunding health centers in our state also prevents these residents from receiving affordable, high-quality health care.
The vast majority of Americans agree that family planning services should be accessible to everyone, and every $1 spent on family planning saves N.C. taxpayers almost $4.
Please contact your state senators and representatives to let them know that their extreme attacks on Planned Parenthood fail to represent your best interests and values as college students and constituents.
Raise your voice to stand with Planned Parenthood.
Leah Josephson
Lee Storrow