It is clear that there is a lack of support from many of the students concerning this year’s ticket policy. In light of the several complaints received from students, the Carolina Athletic Association is doing its part to better the situation.
As a new cabinet was sworn in just this week, it is our first act of business to get the student perspective on an issue that affects each and every student fan. We want to hear from you, the student body that we serve, as you are crucial to our success as an organization. We take your ticket concerns seriously, and we want to hear what you have to say.
Think you have a better idea for the ticket policy? Have some complaints? Then come to the Ticket Forum this Thursday, April 7 at 8:30 p.m. in Carroll 111.
A panel consisting of CAA President Caitlin Goforth, former president Brandon Finch, former ticketing chair Tucker Idol and Associate Athletic Director of the Ticket Office Clint Gwaltney will be there to answer your questions and take your suggestions. This is your chance to be heard. Don’t let it go to waste.
Danielle Adams
Campus Relations Chair