v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
- I can forgive a lot, Church Street: the noisy jackhammers, the creepy workers, even the ugly orange signs. But I will never, ever forgive you blocking my most direct path to Chipotle.
- To my younger brother who is an incoming freshman, please stop asking me questions about Carolina. You will learn in time, oh you will learn…
- Thank you, Sakai, for scrambling my discussion board posts into incoherent paragraphs of letters, numbers and symbols. Maybe if I drink enough sake, I’ll be able to read it.
- If these freshmen don’t learn how to get to one side of the sidewalk and out of my way, it’s going to get real.
- To the two girls in the Pit who desperately want to be kvetched about: this is for you. Now stop being flattered, the summer issue doesn’t really count.
Send your one-to-two sentence entries to
opinion@dailytarheel.com, subject line ‘kvetch.’