There has been a lot of talk at the North Carolina General Assembly lately about voter fraud (or lack thereof). The problem is, most of what the GOP has said about voter fraud is just plain fallacy. Rather than a measure to protect the sanctity of voting, the Voter ID measure advanced by the NCGA is nothing short of an attempt to lock down Republican advantages in the state, to the tune of $20 million in taxpayer dollars.
First, a little context – state Republicans have been wailing for years about the Democratic Party’s gerrymandering of the state, a more or less valid point. However, the very moment that the GOP regained control of the Assembly, they not only committed the same sin as their opponents, but drafted a “Voter ID” measure that blatantly attempts to disenfranchise our citizens.
As students and citizens, we thank Bev Perdue for protecting the vote of students, African-Americans, the elderly, the impoverished and others who would have lost their voice in government at the hands of our new Republican-led state legislature.
Austin Gilmore
Political Science and Sociology
Nathan Westmoreland
Economics and Philosophy