As a gay man and Christian, the news of Psalm 100’s actions deeply disturbed me. No matter how far removed from your own coming out story, the pain and memory of that process never fully leaves.
For many in the LGBT community, this story is another reminder that safe spaces are always temporal. I don’t feel compelled to waste space here arguing, yet again, the points of Biblical interpretation or why my hermeneutical understanding leads me to believe that the Bible says nothing about modern day practices of LGBT relationships.
Thomason is not the one who needs to justify his actions here, and engaging in that “debate,” would only force the attention on him.
Instead, Psalm 100 is the one who must justify its actions, its antiquated Biblical interpretation and discriminatory exegetical approach. Finally, it must justify why a discriminatory group deserves University funding.
The question cannot be, “How can you be gay and call yourself Christian?” The question must be, “How can you call yourself Christian and exclude part of God’s creation?”
I’m sure that won’t happen. I’m sure this will “blow over” and they will be held unaccountable for their actions.
Until then, I pray that the UNC community, and the broader community of faith, steps up and embraces our friend and neighbor during his time of need.
Billy Kluttz
Senior, Political Science and Women’s Studies