I have been very disappointed in The Daily Tar Heel’s attempt to provide civil discussion about the Will Thomason and Psalm 100 situation.
In the staff editorial in Monday morning’s paper, the DTH encouraged the UNC community to proceed with this issue in a manner that facilitated growth of understanding between the two sides. However, their choice of letters to the editor has contradicted this charge to the UNC community.
Tuesday’s letter attacking Psalm 100’s interpretation of John 3:16 was degrading and not supportive of the type of discussion the DTH wants to promote. The same is true of the tone of Will Jacobsen’s interpretation of the Bible’s discourse on homosexuality.
I realize these opinions are representative of the UNC community and need to be heard, but the act of publishing inflammatory remarks promotes antagonistic attitudes toward the other camp. In the next few weeks I hope and expect to see the DTH take a more civil approach to this issue.
Jacob Martin
Senior, Exercise and Sport Science