Please join me in supporting James Barrett for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education.
I have known James for about 15 years and know him to be a good guy who is very involved in our community. I have spoken to him many times about the issues that parents of exceptional children face and have found him to be thoughtful and supportive.
James has been involved in Justice United for several years and understands the issues in our community and I feel he can speak for the families in our community who find it difficult to speak for themselves.
Specifically, James has knowledge of the Myanmar refugees and Hispanic newcomers and their issues. He grew up in this district and has two children in the district. James regularly volunteers in classrooms. James has done his homework.
I have seen him at many school board meetings and I feel he understands the issues our district faces. He is taking his candidacy seriously and has put other community activities temporarily on hold in order to give his campaign the attention it deserves.
In this time of economic uncertainty, we need school board members who can sit back, look at the big picture and do what is best for all of our children.
I believe James Barrett can do just that.
Linda Varblow
Vice Chairwoman
Special Needs Advisory Council of Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools