Kris Castellano is the ideal candidate for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board.
As a former teacher in Carrboro Elementary School’s Dual Language Program and former Teacher of the Year, I can personally attest to Castellano’s commitment to advancing the district’s goals and ensuring all students develop socially and achieve high academic growth.
During seven years of service in the district, I had the privilege of working with Castellano through classroom volunteering, social outreach opportunities, school improvement planning and advisory boards. Castellano is the person that you want working on your team, as she strategically guides groups to consensus and efficiently focuses collaboration.
While working as a parent volunteer in my classroom, Castellano also worked tirelessly on behalf of families in need of food and household items. This showed Castellano’s commitment to ensuring that all children have what is needed to succeed, and then are academically challenged to achieve at high levels.
Castellano is equity-minded and recognizes the full potential that all children possess. She is not afraid to ask tough questions or to engage in the crucial conversations necessary to guide Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to close achievement gaps and ensure high academic achievement for all students. Castellano is strategic when working with students, teachers, administrators, and parents. She fully understands the demands placed on teachers and the support that teachers need to best educate students and improve the components of public education.
Please vote for Kris Castellano for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education.
Briana Corke Pelton
UNC class of 2003