v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
No, it’s not a bomb that just fell out of my bag. It’s a tampon. But I guess if you’re the guy in my POLI class, it might as well be the same thing.
To the green convertible at Town House Apartments, I hope you don’t screw like you park, cause you’d never be able to get it in.
To all the UNC ladies wearing leggings as pants: If I wanted to see a tight end, I would date Nelson Hurst.
To my fellow black people: Can you guys please start eating the sushi at Lenoir? I’m a little tired of being the only brother in the sushi line.
Stop making jokes about Steve Jobs, it’s not PC.
To the girl with the initials “LSD” on her backpack: I now know what your parents were doing when they named you.
To the girl in my 400 level environmental class who began a sentence with “If you believe in climate change:” The climate is changing, and so should your major.
Someone should let Gary Birdsong know that screaming about the “pot-smoking, masturbating women” of UNC is only going to increase male enrollment.