A report released Monday identifies recommendations for action regarding University policies on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression to create an inclusive environment.
The Campus Climate Report, compiled by Terri Phoenix, director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Center, responds to a survey of 416 members of the University community.
It outlines 12 recommendations to the University for action, including the creation of a gender neutral housing option on campus, adding that a lack of such housing could be a deterrent to prospective students.
Jeff DeLuca, former co-chairman of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Straight Alliance, said he is excited to see a movement toward gender-neutral housing.
“I’m really excited for how far it’s come,” he said.
Kevin Claybren, a student advocate of gender neutral housing and co-author of the student proposal for its implementation, said he is ecstatic to see support.
“This is definitely a good step forward for acceptance, inclusivity and safety on campus,” he said.
“I’m just really happy that this is going in the right direction after all the hard work of student organizations and myself to get this movement started.”
Survey results showed lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer respondents reported verbal harassment and fear for their physical safety at a higher rate than heterosexual respondents.