In Nicole Comparato’s article about the potential $90 student fee increase to maintain the “broad-based excellence” of UNC’s athletic juggernaut, it seems as if the money is needed for two reasons.
First, the non-revenue producing sports apparently aren’t being adequately covered by the athletic department’s budget, fund-raising and contributions from the money-making sports, leading to a need for more assistance covering scholarships. Second, the increase is needed for scholarships because of the N.C. General Assembly’s decision to override the out-of-state tuition waiver.
Besides my confusion about the distinction between the two needs for the increase, I wonder how strictly budget cuts and state legislation are responsible for the threat to UNC’s “broad-based excellence.” If Butch Davis receives his $2.7 million severance package that Chancellor Holden Thorp assured students would entirely come from the athletic department and then the athletic department jacks up student fees to raise $2 million, then I am stunned.
Also, I can’t help but notice that our football team is 5-1 while being led by an interim coach. What if we save money by refusing to shell out for a coach and instead maintain the so-far-successful democratic organization of the team?
If this strikes you as ridiculous, imagine how students who have no interest in UNC athletics and already struggle enough with tuition hikes must feel.
J.J. Lang