Chapel Hill High School says its Spanish program is muy importante — and that’s paying off.
The school was named school of the year Saturday by the North Carolina chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese for its Spanish program.
The school gained recognition through its involvement in association activities, which include the National Spanish Examinations and Spanish honor societies.
The school has worked with the group for more than 30 years.
Ken Stewart, head of the World Language Department, said the award highlighted the value of the program.
“It recognizes the school’s long term achievement and contribution to the AATSP,” he said.
Stewart is one of the school’s four Spanish teachers actively involved in the state’s chapter of the association.
Sue Stites, also a member of the AATSP and a Spanish teacher at Chapel Hill High, said the award reflects countywide support for foreign languages.
“I am really impressed with the world language programs throughout Orange County,” said Stites, who taught in Wake County before coming to Chapel Hill.
But Stewart said the push for a better language program comes down to the Spanish department’s staff.