We need to take a stand and look into making Chapel Hill a more just town. We need to elect local officials who will fight for the people, who will stand for justice. Lee Storrow is an advocate for justice in our community. Time and time again, he has shown that he will fight for equality for all.
But even more than that, Lee is the candidate who cares about what the people care about. For example, the Rogers-Eubanks community residents have been fighting for 40 years for clean water and air after the Orange County Landfill was placed in their backyards. I asked Lee to come to the Orange County Board of Commissioners’ meeting to support the community. He not only came, but also spoke, asking the commissioners to fulfill their promises to the Rogers-Eubanks community. He is the candidate who would not only hear your voice, but would represent your voice in the Chapel Hill Town Council.
We need a candidate who will care about his constituents and represent their views. Elect Lee Storrow to the Town Council so that we may see justice in Chapel Hill.
Allison Norman