v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
To the jacked guy always blasting dubstep: those pink headphones make me wanna drop my panties harder than Skrillex’s baselines.
To Dance Marathon: If this is going to be the best one night stand of my life, does that mean you’ll be making BLT sandwiches and telling me how great I was afterwards?
To the guys playing the “penis” game in Top of Lenoir: I don’t think you’ll be needing yours anytime soon.
To the guy in the Davis restroom who raged at me for stealing his paper towel, you mad?
Dance Marathon, I know it’s “For the Kids,” but will they be there for 24 hours too? Thanks, Jerry Sandusky.
Sorority girls are going to make Polk Place a violation of the Clean Air Act. Easy on the perfume, ladies.
Voting is like sex: I don’t know much about the candidates, and I try to do it once a year.
The ConnectCarolina drinking game: One shot for every red “x.” Two shots if it logs you out. Three shots if you actually manage to get a class you want.