With winter break mere days away, only one thing stands between us and our holiday cheer — exams. One can almost feel the collective stress level of this campus rise as we near the last day of class.
However, as exams loom overhead, there’s something each of us can do to make this season a bit more jolly. We can eat our way to exam success.
Stressful eating throughout exam season is a common problem among college students, but also one that we can easily overcome. Food need not be the enemy. Put down those late night Pokey Stix, Easy Macs and energy drinks, and trade them in for food that nourishes your brain and body, giving you the upper hand for productive studying. Load up your snack bag with plenty of fruits and vegetables to keep your mind on track. Fruit’s natural sugars are full of clean energy that doesn’t lead to the crash-and-burn effect of many processed foods.
It is also important to eat at regular intervals to keep your body’s energy levels stable. Big meals can slow you down mentally and physically. Start your day off right with some oatmeal, yogurt, eggs or fruit, and toss in a sprinkle of nuts for some added protein. Sustain your inner Socrates with a banana and peanut butter, raw carrots, nuts and plenty of water.
Keeping yourself hydrated is as important in the library as it is on the court in the Dean Dome. And don’t be afraid to exercise more than just your brain. Twenty to 30 minutes of exercise can reinvigorate your body and refocus your mind for successful studying.
Although it’s been said many times, many ways, healthfully eat your way to an A.
Danielle Balderas
FLO (Fair, Local, Organic) Food