Since the Union now seems to be in the business of providing for the student body’s religious needs, I would like to put forward my own request.
I am aware of a great number of Catholic students at this fine university whose spiritual life is significantly stunted by the inability to participate in regular adoration of the Eucharist. Seeing as adoration forms a crucial and necessary component of many of these students’ spiritual lives, I would like to propose that the Union construct a 24-hour access Perpetual Adoration Chapel in the Union.
However, realizing that money is tight at the moment, I am willing to compromise. The simple installation of a tabernacle, altar, crucifix and some benches in the forthcoming “meditation room” will suffice nicely.
Finally, seeing as I (and many others) have been deprived of our ability to participate in the Angelus since enrolling at UNC, I would also like to request that from now on, the Bell Tower intone the melody of the Angelus three times daily — 6 a.m., noon and 6 p.m. I appreciate their cooperation in this matter and their concern for my personal spiritual development.
Marc Seelinger
Economics, Chinese