v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Thanks, iMessage, for making the mass-text booty call impossible. You suck.
To the guy in my noon class with X’s on his hands, talking about “going out” last night: Hold on everyone, looks like we’ve got a badass over here.
To the boy with brown hair wearing a Barbour coat and duck boots at Bob’s…oh wait.
It’s not a real game until somebody gets vommed on. #thisiscarolinabasketball
To the 500 girls who overran the SRC on their way to Zumba after New Years: I’ll believe you in two months.
Hey “24-hour” Harris Teeter, it doesn’t count if you close at 10 p.m. on Sundays.
Dear Dick Baddour, UNC thinks your family photos are lovely, but the Kenan Stadium slide show can end.
To the guy who said he’d start studying every two weeks next semester to be more prepared: There’s a better chance Tim Tebow will go to hell.
Dear UNC, why you make me learn???