I am writing to express my growing frustration with how the Town of Chapel Hill has handled the aftermath of its raid of the Yates Motor Company building and its occupants on Nov. 13.
I find the original police overreaction disturbing enough, but the subsequent obfuscation of the events have been truly shocking.
The majority of the council (with notable exceptions like Laurin Easthom, Lee Storrow and Jim Ward), Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt, Town Manager Roger Stancil, and Police Chief Chris Blue have continually shrugged off any responsibility for using deadly force to remove unarmed peaceful protesters, whose only charge has been misdemeanor breaking and entering.
Since then, Mr. Stancil has issued a report on this incident, which is based almost entirely on a report from Blue — the very person whose actions are being reviewed.
Much of the report has already been shown to be incomplete, factually inaccurate and devoid of key information, which was later revealed to be known by those preparing the report. This is an unacceptable resolution to an issue which has huge implications for those involved, and for all citizens of Chapel Hill.
I find Mr. Stancil’s mandate to town employees not to speak publicly about the Yates incident and the closed council meeting on Jan. 23 an affront to the supposed openness and transparency that the town continues to proselytize.
Mr. Stancil’s memo to the mayor and council regarding his assurance that he will personally see to it that town staff enforce the ordinances and administrative policies and procedures related to the use of public space is an egregious overstepping of his duties as town manager.
Should one unelected man have the power to selectively enforce rules, that for over two months were ignored during Occupy Chapel Hill’s encampment?
Gabriel Pelli
Chapel Hill resident