Students looking to score tickets to the Feb. 8 UNC-Duke basketball game rode an emotional roller coaster Wednesday night.
Due to a technical glitch with the online ticket lottery notification system, all students who entered the lottery, including those who won tickets, received an email saying they would not receive tickets, said Caitlin Goforth, president of the Carolina Athletic Association.
Senior Allison Stewart said she first felt confusion, not anger, after she got an email saying she did not win tickets.
Just 10 minutes earlier, Stewart had received a lottery-winning email, containing tickets to the game with her name on it.
“I was like, well, did I get it, did I not?” she said. “Should I even have this ticket?”
But Goforth said everyone received the second email, and that those who received both emails still have valid tickets.
“So basically the ‘no’ emails that everyone was discussing as far as getting two emails were sent to everyone,” she said. “For students who did receive the ‘yes’ emails also, they do have a ticket.”
After Goforth received complaints via Twitter and email, she said a third correction email was sent out to students who received both emails for clarification.
“We told them if they received a ticket, they’re fine,” she said.