kvetch ’kvech, ’kfech:
v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
To the girl in Davis with Facebook up on her computer, a TV show on her iPad, and playing a game on her iPhone … all simultaneously: Can you help me study for my test?
To my corporate finance professor who said, “This may look like a big number to you, but it doesn’t to me:” we already knew you’re the one percent. No need to remind us.
To the guy who played “Let It Snow” on the sax on South Campus Sunday night: I see what you did there.
To the girl tanning in the arboretum: Thank you for the show. I haven’t gone whale watching in a long time.
Thought I could start avoiding eye contact a little closer, but no, clipboard girl managed to wave and ask me to sign for her cause from 50 feet away.
To the girl wearing a frocket tee fighting with her fratdaddy about the difference between khakis and chinos in the Union: Khaki is a color, Chino is a pant. Now that that’s settled, can you make fun of some GDIs or something?
It’s a sad year to be a senior and be carded more at the library than at the bar.
Dear person who wrote the kvetch about Andre 300 last week: It’s Andre 3000, idiot.