v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Dear Chalkers of Chapman, what is your purpose in life?
To our downstairs neighbor: Your loud sex has become a favorite drinking game for everyone on the floor above you: faked O = 1 shot.
To all the people who cough and sneeze in the open air, have you not seen Contagion?
To the cute guy who helped me with the crossword puzzle on Thursday: What kind of clue can I give you to get your number?
That awkward moment when someone accuses you of being a hipster and you’re wearing a tacky alpaca sweater and eating tofu with kale.
“If you take the feminist approach rather than straight economics with supply and demand theory…” Yeah, you’ll come up with a different explanation.
To Whitney Houston, way to steal Rameses’s thunder…
Dear DTH, I wish your front page from last Friday was actually about the cookies featured on it. Love, Liz Lemon.