Science poses challenging questions to human attempts to find meaning in life.
Can we reconcile our scientific conception of the world with belief in God? Can science displace our convictions about morality? About the value of our lives?
Theologians have long wrestled with these questions, and tonight we have the opportunity to hear from one.
John Haught, senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University and an internationally distinguished scholar in science and religion, will deliver a lecture entitled “Evolution and Faith: What is at Stake?”
The talk is the first of the Whittington Lectures, sponsored by the Newman Catholic Student Center Parish.
The event will be at 7 p.m. in Murphey Hall, Room 116.
Through these lectures, the Newman Center hopes to foster a discussion of issues that are under-explored here at Carolina.
We want to discover where religion and its various truth claims fit into the network of claims made by all the various disciplines — not just the hard sciences.